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المغرب العربي الكبير


mardi 3 juillet 2012

Morrocan Pastilla

Morrocan Pastilla

6 Servings
1 whole chicken deboned and
-cut into,pieces
1 salt,pepper
1 dozen sprigs of parsley
1 ginger
6 eggs
2 c almonds browned on,Blanched
-the sto,ve
1 lb philo pastry dough
1 c sugar
1 cinammon
1 egg,Beaten
In a large pot,put chicken cut into quarters with salt, pepper
and ginger along with enough water to cover. Cook on heat heat until
chicken is soft and falling from the bones. Remove from liquid, skin
and debone the chicken, and cut meat into small pieces and set
aside. In same large pot, add the six eggs one by one, beating as you
go. When all are beaten in and almost set, remove mixture and let
cool, dividing into two parts and discarding any liquid. Chop the
browned almonds and divide into two. In a 9"x12" baking dish, begin
the assembly by placing four sheets of the philo dough, brushing oil
over each sheet before placing the next on top. Next, place in 1/2
the egg mixture and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top. Place two
more philo sheets (with oil between), and place 1/2 the chicken.
Sprinkle this with sugar and cinammon too. Next Place 2 more philo
sheets (with oil between), and place 1/2 the almond mixture in,
sprinkling with sugar and cinammon on top. Cover this with 2 more
philo sheets, and start this assembly process again. 2 sheets philo
almonds 2 sheets philo chicken 2 sheets philo eggs 2 sheets philo
almonds 2 sheets philo chicken 2 sheets philo eggs 4 sheets philo to
Brush the top of the last sheets of philo with beaten egg. Bake at
350degrees until golden, 25-35 minutes.

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