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المغرب العربي الكبير


mardi 3 juillet 2012

Moroccan Eggplant Salad

Moroccan Eggplant Salad

4 Servings
2 eggplants,2 lb total
1 salt
1 olive oil,for frying
3 garlic cloves,chopped
1 1/2 t sweet red pepper
1/4 t hot red pepper
1 t cumin
DRESSING =======================
2 T olive oil
2 T lemon juice
1 black pepper
GARNISH ========================
1 italian parsley,chopped
1 half lemon,Slices
1 black olives,optional
Remove vertical strips of skin from the eggplant using a vegetable
peeler. Cut into lsices 1" thick. Salt & leave to drain for 30
minutes. Rinse well & pat dry. Heat oil in a skillet & fry the slices
on both sides until they are golden brown. Drain of excess oil. Chop
fried slices & mix with the garlic cloves & spices. Return to skillet
& continue to fry until excess liquids have evaporated. Transfer to
a salad bowl. Sprinkle with dressing ingredients & allwo to cool.
When ready to serve, toss the salad. Correct the seasoning & garnish

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